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If you would like to support us as we continue to reach out to our community with the desire to see everyone get to know the good news of Jesus, then there are a few ways you can do so!


The most efficient way for you to give is to set up an online bank transfer either as a standing order or single payment, however you can also give via cash/cheque. 



If you’d like to set up a standing order or a single payment you can do so using the account details below - please pop your name in the reference field.

Coastlands Community Church
Sort code: 60-05-33
Account: 44984561





If you'd like to give by post, you can make a cheque payable to Coastlands Community Church, and send it to: Coastlands Community Church, 32 Hall Lane, Walton-On-The-Naze, Essex CO14 8QA.



If you pay income tax you can Gift Aid your giving to Coastlands. This means Coastlands would receive a further 25p for every £1 that you give. For more details ask Denis Bradshaw, Church Treasurer on 07557 124935.

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